Current Members

With the exception of the cancellations listed herein, below is a link that contains a list of Livery Bases that are current in their payments and are active as members of the Livery Fund as of March 3, 2025.

Click here for Current Members

Canceled Members

Some Livery Bases failed to pay their membership dues. Notice of Cancellations were sent to the non-paying bases for an effective cancellation date of 1/21/25. It is imperative that these bases make their payments immediately. Not only are you in violation of the rules of the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission, but also in violation of the Workers' Compensation Law. Penalties from the Workers' Compensation Board for non-compliance are $2,000.00 for every 10 days of non-insurance. Penalties from the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission include license suspension/revocation.

Click here for a listing of all Canceled Members

Membership Certificates for 2025

From time to time, a livery base that is a member of the Fund will need a copy of their Membership Certificate. Click the link below and you will be able to look up your base name and/or base number and download your membership certificate.

Click here for 2025 Membership Certificates for all Current Members

Reporting Requirements

As you know, Livery Bases in Westchester and Nassau County have must comply with the reporting requirements of the NYILDBF. All Livery Bases in Westchester and Nassau County must submit a copy of their registrations for all vehicles affiliated and/or dispatched by the base. Reporting of all vehicles must be performed in December of each year and every time your base sends a dispatch to a new vehicle. Unless these Bases comply with the necessary reporting requirements, they will be in violation of the law. These Bases will have their membership in the Fund cancelled. These bases will also be subject to stop work orders issued by the Worker's Compensation Law and suspension of their Base license by the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission. Additionally, uninsured Bases will be subject to penalties imposed by the Workers' Compensation Board as per Section 160-hhh(f) of the Executive Law.

Penalties for Failure to Comply with the Law

Section 160-hhh(4) of the New York State Executive Law, Article 6-G provides the following penalties for failure of an Independent Livery Base to timely pay its insurance premiums:

If an independent livery base fails to submit to the independent livery driver benefit fund any required charge, the workers' compensation board or local taxi and limousine commission may order that it pay into the fund, upon application of the fund and following notice to the independent livery base

  1. the amount overdue plus interest on such amount, and/or

  2. a penalty of up to five hundred dollars for each thirty days after notice is given that the payment is overdue. The workers' compensation board or local taxi and limousine commission may suspend or revoke such livery base's authorization to act as an independent livery base for failure to make such payment.The rate of interest applicable to this subdivision shall be twelve percent per annum. Any monetary penalty imposed pursuant to this subdivision shall be retained by the workers' compensation board and be used to defray the costs of administering this article.

Sectionn 160-hhh(d) of the New York State Executive Law, Article 6-G provides the following penalties for failure of an Independent Livery Base to timely pay its insurance premiums:

The responsible persons of an independent livery base shall be personally liable for the amount of any monetary penalties awarded pursuant to this subdivision. "Responsible persons," for purposes of this subdivision, shall be:

  1. the directors of a livery base that is a corporation;

  2. the managers of a livery base that is a limited liability company or its members if management of a livery base is vested in its members;

  3. the general partner or partners of a livery base that is a partnership;

  4. all individuals who directly or indirectly own, control or hold the power to vote ten percent or more of the voting interests of any corporation, joint stock company, partnership, association, trust, limited liability company or similar entity that manages a livery base; and

  5. the president, secretary and treasurer of a livery base, regardless of its form of organization.